
New Termals and Dual Batteries
The following pics are of a very trick cheap custom modification, rocker guards...they are originally for tailgate caps
on pickups!
here are some quotes that can help you:
"I put a couple screws in so i could mount it up and see what it'll look like, and see if it
made strange noises. I'm gonna por-15/herculine parts of the door there, and I think I might make some sort of mold using
that expanding foam stuff to fill in between the factory panel and the diamond plate. There is space between the two, which
isnt bad, but I don't really wanna have to clean that out, so i wanna make something that'll fill it up."
"It is aluminum, but i coulda gotten steel, I probably should have, and I need to go get another one for the other side,
because I f'ed the first one up, and maybe I'll get steel and paint it black, I dunno. "
"this is way easier for 4-doors.
I read a post about doing this, and they didn't have to make near as many cuts as I did."
On TSC rockers:
"Just got back from Tractor Supply Co. Did some measuring, and tried different tailgate caps. The 2002 Dodge PU was to
big for my 98 XJ. What I mean is the bends were too much, and there would be a big gap between the rocker and the plate. So
I tried the Ford 1997 - 2002 Reg. Cab (New Body Style), DeeZee Part #21071B, and fit much better perfect, except the ends
are tapered and are too tight, so when I trim the length, they will come off, because they don't fit. I am going to work on
them the next day or two, and will get back with pics that will help my confusing explaination. I went with the black one,
so It was a little more expensive ($19.54 before tax)."
On TSC rockers:
"You would need the one from the 2002 Dodge PU, like abbazappa's (abbazappa has the black 84-96 one with the chrome ones,
as pictured above), since you have the older body style Cherokee. If you get Black, it will cost a few dollars more (like
$2 to $3). Just call around for the DeeZee tailgate caps. I'm sure they sell them somewhere other than TSC. Look in your yellow pages for Farm equipment stores or tractor
stores, or maybe even lumber stores. These places would more than likely have them, since they would sell great for the working
man's PU."

I am planning on getting a steering box brace, and this brace, its made by a company called "c-rok" this is Jason aka
jeepin.com's jeep...
Here are some links, the 1st is for jasons review type thing...and the second is c-roks email address, email him to get
a brace, they cost 54$ shipped at time of publish
Crok Review!
C-Roks Email!

This is the style of skidplate that I want for my engine/tranny, it is from Skidrow, but I might go with Tomken, or fab
one up myself...also note the LCA skids

I am going to custom make some rearquarter panel guards like these: except mine will be black

Well, I figured out I like the Camo look on the interior, I think it looks rough and tough...
I have already done my glovebox lid and centerconsole lid...
But I used regular camo, I might change to the mossy oak as seen in these pics, this is GIrangers Jeep pics, I have the
links to his instructions right here:
GIrangers camo site
GIrangers page 2 of Camo interior
