4' length peice of 2.5"
exhaust tubing 6x6" peice of 1/4" thick peice of steel tube cut-away from J.C. Whitney
Cut the peice of exhaust
tubing to length then cut the middle peice out and weld in the cut-away (it comes with a cable, so route it into the cab of
your Jeep. Then weld the peice of 1/4" steel to the end and cut it to fit the other peice, then remove your cat, leaving it
intact and where you can find it for emmisions. Then attach your new peice, this should yeild 5-10 hp when you open it up,
when you see a cop or are in YOUR neighborhood, cap it back up.
Insulated/Ram air box
The first perormance trick couldn't
get any freer (is that a word?) take your airbox lid up and detach the air intake hose and the emmisions and breather tubes
that are on it. look in the whole of the airbox lid and take out the restrictor venturi, it seems like it wouldn't come out,
but it does eventually with a hammer.
The second costs roughly ten bucks, buy some 15-20" zip-ties, some velcro, and
a bright shiny aluminum looking sun-shade. When your air box lid is off, wrap it with the sun-shade and cut the peices for
the side and velcro everything on. then cut a peice to wrap around the tube that leads to the Throttle body, zip tie that
one. This yeilds 5-10 hp.
Then take out your airbox, you could wrap the sunshade on with it out, but I din't cut the
front snorkle peice off and put in a new 3x3" peice on and enlarge the sheet metal hole.
Home Made TBI Spacer
or steel a peice of aluminum that is 1" thick and 5"/5" then cut it to the gasket shape. There is one problem with 1987-1990
engines however, the throttle connector is placed way down on the engine, you can ethier lengthen it or move it up, I will
lengthen it.